Series C  

Advent 1 Gospel Analysis
Eschatological Discourse, Luke 21:25-36
Advent 1
Suddenly, Luke 21:25-36
Advent 1
Wake Up! Don't Fall Asleep, Luke 21:25-36
Advent 1
Coming, Advent and Adventure, Luke 21:25-36
Advent 1
Visions for the Future, Luke 21:25-36 and parallels
Advent 2 Gospel Analysis
John the Baptist, Luke 3:1-6 and parallels
Advent 2
A Parable: The City and the Wilderness, Luke 3:1-6
Advent 2
Rituals of Purification (Refiner’s Fire), Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 3:1-6
Advent 2
Who is Your Malachi?, Malachi 3:1-4 (Coming)
Advent 3 Gospel Analysis
John's Preaching of Repentance, Luke 3:7-18
Advent 3
What Shall We Do? Luke 3:7-18
Advent 3
Rejoice In The Lord Always, Again I Will Say Rejoice, Philippians 4:4-7 (Coming)
Advent 3
Sing Aloud, Daughters and Sons of Zion, Zephaniah 3:4-20, (Coming)
Advent 4 Gospel Analysis
The Virgin Mary, Luke 1:39-55
Advent 4
Luke’s Original Christmas Pageant for the Poor, Luke 1:39-45
Advent 4
The Magnificat: God’s Revolution, Luke 1:46-55
Advent 4
Mary, Mother of Jesus, Luke 1:39-45
Advent 4
The Birth of Christ and the Birth of Christmas, Luke 1:39-55
Christmas: Gospel Analysis
Christmas, Luke 2:1-14
Ten Sermons, Six Children's Stories, Seven Dramas
Christmas 1
Age 12 and Not a Smart Aleck? Luke 2:41-52
Christmas 1
Age 12 In The Temple, Luke 2:41-52
Christmas 2 Gospel Analysis
The Word Became Flesh, John 1:1-18
Christmas 2
The Word Became Flesh, John 1:1-18

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Epiphany Gospel Analysis
The Wisemen, Matthew 2:1-12
Discovering Your Gifts (To Give To The Christ Child), Mt. 2:1-12
Exploding Light, Mt. 2:1-12, and parallels
Shooting Stars, Mt. 2:1-12, and parallels
The Three Wisemen, A Traditional Play, Matthew 2:1-12
The Three Wisemen, A Modern Play, Matthew 2:1-12
Baptism of Jesus Gospel Analysis
Baptism, Mark 4:1-11, Matthew 3:13-17, Luke 3:21-23, John 1:29-34
Baptism: What Do We Teach? Luke 3:15-17, 12-22, and parallels
Epiphany 2 Gospel Analysis
Marriage at Cana, John 2:1-11
Epiphany 2
180 Gallons of Grace, John 2:1-11
Epiphany 2
Taste of New Wine, John 2:1-11
Epiphany 2
You Are My Delight, Isaiah 62:1-5
Epiphany 3
Division, Diversity and Oneness; A Conflict Drama, 1 Cor. 12
Epiphany 3
Luke: Gospel for the Poor, Luke 4:14-21
Epiphany 4
It’s About Love, Love, Love, 1 Cor. 13
Epiphany 4
Reluctant to Talk: Jeremiah, Jeremiah 1:4-10
Epiphany 5 Gospel Analysis
Fishing for Christ, Luke 5:1-11
Epiphany 5
Fishing for Christ, Luke 5:1-11
Epiphany 5
The Awesomeness of God, Isaiah, Isaiah 6:1-8
Epiphany 6
Luke’s Blessings for the Poor and Cursings of the Rich (Coming)
Epiphany 6
True Joy VS Temporary Happiness, Luke 6:17-26, and parallels
Epiphany 6
Attitude and the BE-Attitudes, Luke 6:17-26, and parallels
Epiphany 7 Gospel Analysis
Loving Enemies and People We Don’t Like, Luke 6:27-38
Epiphany 7
Loving Enemies and People We Don’t Like, Luke 6:27-38
Epiphany 7
The Golden Rule, Luke 6:31 (Coming)
Epiphany 7
The Story of Joseph, Gen. 45:3-11,15 (Coming)
Transfiguration Gospel Analysis
Transfiguration, Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:2-9, Luke 9:28-36
Mountains, Valleys, and Plains, Luke 9:28-36 and parallels
Visions from a Mountain Top, Luke 9:28-36 and parallels
Superman, Luke 9:28-36 and parallels

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Lent/Palm Passion
Ash Wednesday Gospel Analysis
Almsgiving, Prayer and Fasting, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Ash Wednesday
Don't Show Off Your Faith, Matthew 6:1-9, 16-18
Lent 1 Gospel Analysis
The Tempation, Luke 4:1-13 and parallels
Lent 1
Satan Sunday, Luke 4:1-13 and parallels
Lent 1
Sugar Cookies, Ice Cream and Popcorn, Luke 4:1-13 and parallels
Lent 1
Isadore Isaac Isin, Luke 4:1-13 and parallels
Lent 2 Gospel Analysis
Jesus' Lament Over Jerusalem, Luke 13:31-35
Lent 2
Violence, A Growing Epidemic in America, Luke 13:31-35
Lent 2
Truthtellers: Jesus and Jeremiah, Jeremiah 26:8-15
Lent 3 Gospel Analysis
The Pruning of the Barren Fig Tree, Luke 13:1-9
Lent 3
Wanted: Fig Trees That Produce Figs, Luke 13:1-9
Lent 3
The Name of God: I AM, Exodus 3:1-8b, 10-15
Lent 3
Today or Tomorrow, Isaiah 55:1-9 (coming)
Lent 4 Gospel Analysis
Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son, Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Lent 4
The Prodigal, Luke 15:1-3; 11-32
Lent 4
The Lonely Lady of Blairstone Park, Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 (Dr. Richard Jensen)
Lent 4
Ambassadors for Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Lent 5 Gospel Analysis
Anointing Jesus' Feet at Bethany, John 12:1-8
Lent 5
Expensive Oil for His Feet, John 12:1-8
Lent 5
The Junkman, Isaiah 43; 16-21
Palm Sunday Gospel Analysis
The Palm Story, Mark 11:1-11 or John 12:12-16
Passion Sunday
A Dramatic Reading of The Passion Story (with crowd and rabble rouser)
Eleven sermons for Palm/Passion Sunday
Passion Sunday Gospel Analysis (Part 1)
Anointing, Betrayal, Last Supper, Mark 14:1-31
Passion Sunday Gospel Analysis (Part 2)
Gethsemane, Mark 14:32-52
Passion Sunday Gospel Analysis (Part 3)
Trials before Caiaphas, Pilate, Herod. Barabbas, Mark 14:53-15:14
Passion Sunday Gospel Analysis (Part 4)
Scourging and Road to Golgotha, Mark 15:15-21
Passion Sunday Gospel Analysis (Part 5)
Crucifixion and Burial, Mark 15:22-47
Holy Thursday Gospel Analysis
The Foot Washing, John 13:1-20
Holy Thursday
The Pedalavium (The Foot Washing) A Re-Enactment
Holy Thursday
It's Hard to Say Goodbye, John 13:1-17, 31-35
Holy Thursday
In Remembrance of Me, I Corinthians 11:23-26
Holy Thursday
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, John 13:1-17, 31-35
Good Friday: The Seven Last Words
John 1:17-19 (Palm/Passion Sunday)
Luke 23:34 Father Forgive Them For They Know Not What They
Luke 23:43 Today You Will Be With Me In Paradise
John 19:26-27 Here is Your Son. Here is Your Mother.
Mark 15:33-34 My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?
John 19:28 I Thirst
John 19:30 It Is Finished
Luke 23:44-46 Father, Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit
Good Friday: The Seven Last Words
One Sermon on the Seven Last Words

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Easter 1-7
Easter Sermons
Eleven Easter Sermons
Easter Gospel Analysis
Women at the Tomb, Luke 24:1-12
Easter Gospel Analysis
Mary Magdalene at the Tomb, John 20:1-18
Easter 2 Gospel Analysis
Thomas, An Honest Doubter, John 20:19-31
Easter 2
Is Everyone A Doubting Thomas? John 20:19-31
Easter 3 Gospel Analysis
Do You Love Me? John 21:1-19
Easter 3
Do You Love me? John 21:1-19
Easter 3
Reflections on the Mass Murder at Virginia Tech
Easter 4 Gospel Analysis
No One Can Snatch Them Out Of My Hand, John 10:22-30
Easter 4
All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray, John 10:22-30
Easter 4
The Lord Is My Shepherd, Psalm 23
Easter 5
Love: Plain as the Nose on Your Face, John 13:31-35
Easter 6
My Father is Still Living in Me, John 14-23-29
Easter 7
I Am the Alpha and the Omega, Rev. (Coming)

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Pentecost 1-24
Ten Sermons for Pentecost
Trinity: What is It? John 16:12-15
Pentecost 2 Gospel Analysis
Faith of An Outsider, Luke 7:1-10
Pentecost 2
Faith of An Outsider, Luke 7:1-10
Pentecost 2 Old Testament Analysis
Elijah Raises The Widow's Son, I Kings 17:17-24
Pentecost 2 Gospel Analysis
Jesus Raises the Widow's Son, Luke 7:11-24
Pentecost 2
Raising of Child of Widow at Nain, Luke 7:11-24 (coming)
Pentecost 3 Gospel Analysis
Woman Anointing Jesus' Feet, Luke 7:36-8:3
Pentecost 3
The Pharisee and the Prostitute, Luke 7:36-8:3
Pentecost 4 Gospel Analysis
The Gadarene Demoniacs, Luke 8:26-39
Pentecost 4
Modern Demons, Depressed and Dysfunctional, Luke 8:26-39
Pentecost 5 Gospel Analysis
Jesus and the Samaritans, Three Teachings from Q, Luke 9:51-62
Pentecost 5
Three Sermons for the Price of One, Luke 9:51-62
Pentecost 6 Gospel Analysis
Commissioning the Seventy, Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
Pentecost 6
The Harvest is So Ripe, Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
Pentecost 7 Gospel Analysis
The Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37
Pentecost 7
Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37
Pentecost 8 Gospel Analysis (coming)
Mary and Martha
Pentecost 8
Mary and Martha or Martha and Mary, Luke 10:38-42
Pentecost 9 Gospel Analysis (coming)
Pushy in Prayer, Luke 11:1-13
Pentecost 9
Pushy in Prayer, Luke 11:1-13
Pentecost 10 Gospel Analysis (coming)
Barns and Bigger Barns, Luke 12:13-21
Pentecost 10
Barns and Bigger Barns, Luke 12:13-21
Pentecost 11
Treasures in Heaven; Treasures on Earth, Luke 12:32-34 (Coming)
Pentecost 12
Christ Brings Division, Luke 12:49-56
Pentecost 13 Gospel Analysis (coming)
Freedom from Sabbath Rules, Regulations, Rituals, Luke 13:10-17
Pentecost 13
Freedom from Rules, Regulations, Rituals, Luke 13:10-17 (Coming)
Pentecost 13
Will It Sell in Peoria? (Narrow Gate), Luke 13:22-30 (old lectionary)
Pentecost 14 Gospel Analysis (coming)
Parable of the Wedding Feast, Luke 14:1, 7-14
Pentecost 14
Don’t Invite Jesus to Dinner, Luke 14;1, 7-14
Pentecost 15 Gospel Analysis (coming)
Counting the Cost of Discipleship, Luke 14:25-33
Pentecost 15
The Cost of Discipleship, Luke 14:25-33
Pentecost 16 Gospel Analysis (coming)
Lost and Found, Luke 15:1-10
Pentecost 16
Lost and Found, Luke 15:1-10
Pentecost 17 Gospel Analysis (coming)
Money and the Unrighteous Steward, Luke 16:1-13
Pentecost 17
Money and the Unrighteous Steward, Luke 16:1-13
Pentecost 17(coming)
Oikonomics, Luke 16:1-13
Pentecost 18 Gospel Analysis (coming)
Rich Man and Lazarus, Luke 16:19-31
Pentecost 18
Rich Man and Lazarus, Luke 16:19-31
Pentecost 18 (coming)
Reach Out and Touch, Luke 16:19-31
Pentecost 19
The Mustard Seed: Fourteen Feet Tall, Luke 17:5-10
Pentecost 20
Where Are the Other Nine Lepers? Luke 17:11-19
Pentecost 21
Wrestling with God (Jacob), Genesis 32:22-31
Pentecost 22
The Pharisee and the Publican, Luke 18:9-14
Pentecost 23 Gospel Analysis
Zacchaeus, Luke 19:1-10
Pentecost 23
Zacchaeus, Luke 19:1-10
Pentecost 24
Dialogue: Are Marriages Made in Heaven? Luke 20:27-38 (Coming)

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What Is a Lutheran? John 8:31-36

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All Saints
All Saints
What Is A Saint? Luke 6:20-31

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An American Thanksgiving, John 6:25-35

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Christ the King
Christ the King
Save Us From Our Crosses, Luke 23:33-43

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