
All Saints
Christ The King

Books of the Bible
Lenten Series
Christmas Dramas
Series A - Matthew
Series B - Mark
Series C - Luke
Series D - Other

To contact
Edward F. Markquart
info@sfs.com |
About the Author
Pastor Edward F. Markquart has been the pastor of Grace Lutheran Church since l973. This congregation is one of the largest
worshipping congregations on the West coast. The congregation is known for its many and varied ministries that run 24 hours a day
and include a homeless shelter, commitment to world hunger, Third World mission trips, Day Care and Pre-school, evangelism, four
varied worship services, creative dramas, vitalized youth ministries, a huge Russian/Slavic congregation, AA meetings, civic functions
and more. A neighbor states: “Grace is the church on the corner that never stops and the parking lot seems forever full.” A homeless
man says: “Graceland (for Elvis) is the Nordstroms of the homeless shelters; they are the best in the business; the people treat you right
and treat you to fine breakfasts.”
Pastor Markquart has authored three books that have been useful to pastors, congregations, and seminary students. These books are
now available free of charge on this website: QUEST FOR BETTER PREACHING (used by seminaries), WITNESSES FOR
CHRIST (used by thousands of congregations for evangelism in the Lutheran church) and THE BIBLE FOR TODAY (a three year
confirmation series based on the Bethel Bible Series, used by more than a thousand congregations). Pastor Markquart has conducted
numerous preaching and evangelism seminars in all sections of the country. He serves on the board of Lutheran World Relief.
Pastor Markquart has been happily married to his wife, Jan, since 1963. They love “family” and have three adult children, two in-laws,
four grandchildren, all of whom belong to the parish. With his wife, Pastor Markquart enjoys snow skiing and hiking in the Cascade
mountains, fishing in Puget Sound, walking by its waters, reading books, attending plays, listening to music, investing in the market, and
living life.
In March of 2000, at age 60, Pastor Markquart contacted a rare, infectious disease and almost died. He now has a pacemaker and an
artificial valve in his heart. This near death experience motivated him to live life more fully and give substance to his dreams…such as
creating a website to give away his sermons to any pastor who wants to adapt them.
His friend, Dr. Douglas Anderson, a professional pastoral counselor, who has taught more pastoral counselors than anyone in Seattle,
says that “Pastor Markquart’s primary gift is his preaching, and he should share it with as many people as possible.” Quoting famed
psychologist, Erik Erikson, Dr. Anderson says that this website is “generative;” that is, “one of the best preachers of this generation is
passing on his most profound insights, wisdom and work to the next generation.”
Many scholars think that the book of Romans is the Apostle Paul’s last book and his “summa theologia,” the summation of his theology,
a distillation of previous writings by an older veteran of the Gospel. Similarly, this website is a “summa homiletica,” a summation of
sermons that Pastor Markquart wrote in earlier years but then recreated as he became an older servant of the Gospel. These sermons
were first written in the early 1970s and 1980s but then reworked theologically and methodologically over twenty-five years. The result
is a set of sermons that are “summa homiletica;” they are a summation of homiletical creativity.

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