Christmas Sermons, Children's Sermons, Dramas
preacher’s instinct is that which feels instantly how Christ
and human need belong together; Christ is not too far off for
the need, nor the need too insignificant for Christ. There is
a human side of every truth ”
- Phillips
Brooks |

Christmas Sermons
The Peace of Christ or
Luke 2:1-14
Do You See What I See
Luke 2:22-23
Everything Has A Crack In It
Luke 2:33-35
The Gloria
Luke 2:1-14
Emmanuel: God With Us
Matthew 1:19-25
The Long Walk Is The Gift
Matthew 2:1-12
The Liberator
Luke 2:1-14
Magic and Miracle
John 1:1-18
Everywhere, Christmas Tonight
Luke 2:1-14
The Word Became Flesh
John 1:1-18

Children's Sermons
The Shepherd Boy
Abbie, the Littlest Angel
Artaban and the Three Jewels
The Best Christmas Gift
The Perfect Hallelujah Sound

Christmas Dramas
Annual Meeting of the Archangels
By Edward F. Markquart

The Humble Hotel
By Edward F. Markquart

The Visit of St. Nicholas
adapted from…

Waiting for the Christmas Guest
adapted from…

When Joseph Doubted
adapted from…

Christ Was Born For This?
By Darlene Swanson Malmo

Off Limits Shepherds
adapted from ….
Christmas Dramas
Seven Christmas dramas are available for you on this website. All seven Christmas plays are very good and make fine sermons. Grace Lutheran Church has developed a tradition of having a Christmas play on the Fourth Sunday of Advent. The Fourth Sunday of Advent is called The First Sunday Before Christmas and members expect a Christmas play for the sermon. The plays are rotated every seven years.
Why seven Christmas dramas? We have only found seven dramas that "have worked" for us. If your congregation has used any other Christmas dramas that you have found to be unusally effective, please email us a copy of that drama to SERMONS FROM SEATTLE. Thank you.

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