Series C
Wrestling with God (Jacob)

Pentecost 21
Gen. 32:22-31
I have been thinking about the word, wrestling. When I think
about the word, wrestling, I think of growing up as a little boy in
Jackson, Minnesota. In Jackson, Minnesota, wrestling happened on
Saturday night when all the farmers came to town. This was important
because the farmers brought their daughters. I worked all day
Saturday at our service station, washing the cars, gassing cars,
changing the oil, and after work I got all cleaned up. I took a
shower and soaked myself with cologne and I was now ready to meet
the farmer’s daughters. I was about 7:00 at night and my buddies
and I would begin cruising the main drag of our city, looking for
the young ladies. The main drag wasn’t a very long street, maybe
six blocks at the most, and so you would cruise it some twenty to
thirty times. But now it was 8:00 and it was big time; it was big
time, wrestling time and we would go to the local armory for the
wrestling matches. The armory was located kitty-corner across the
street from our gas station and we would have “Saturday night
live” wrestling. We boys lived for those nights. The armory had an
upper balcony around the center ring, and we boys would climb up
into the balcony with a big bag of spit wads and we would pelt the
wrestlers. There was a famous wrestler by the name of Genghis Kahn.
He was dressed totally in black: black shoes, black socks, black
trunks, and a black head band and we would get him so mad. He would
pretend that he was going to get out of the ring and come up and get
us boys, and it was so much fun.
Or when I think of
wrestling, I think of being in college as a freshman. I didn’t
know anything about wrestling but there were always these young men,
little runts, who were out for the wrestling team and they knew all
the wrestling moves. They would want to wrestle with the big guys
and so we would put the mattresses from our beds out on the floor
and these little squirrelly guys would get around you and put you
down so quickly with their lightning fast wrestling moves. I never
could figure out how they did it.
When I think of
wrestling, I think of Hulk Hogan and the Tacoma Dome. Have you ever
been down to the Tacoma Dome for professional wrestling? That is a
party. They go bananas down there. The wrestling match that I
remember was a match between Ivan the Russian and GI Joe. You should
have seen GI Joe, with his trunks in the colors and stripes of the
American flag and so were his long socks. He was patriotic as he ran
out into the center ring with an American flag hosted up high, with
the Stars Spangled Banner blaring through the loud speakers and the
crowd going nuts.
When I think of
wrestling, I think of my oldest son Joel when he was in high school
and we parents going to all those wrestling matches. I think he was
wrestling 156 pounds and we were so nervous when we watched him.
When I think of wrestling, I think of the Underwood twins from our
church last year, both going to the state championships and how
proud they and their parents were of their enormous successes.
When I think of
wrestling, I think of all those times that I wrestled with my
children when they were children and all the times that I wrestle
with my grandchildren now. You did the same thing, where they try to
pin you. Your child or grandchild has you on your back and they try
to push one arm to the floor and then the other arm to the floor
until they finally succeed and press both of your arms to the floor
and pin you.
It is with these
words that we approach the only wrestling match in the Bible. The
word, wrestle, is used only one time in the Bible, and it is the
story where Jacob wrestled with God or with a vision of an angel or
his conscience or whatever he was wrestling with that night on the
edge of the Jabbok river. The word, wrestle, is a very old, old, old
Hebrew word, and that word is used only rarely; that is, only once
in the whole Bible. …The
other old word that is used in the story for today is Jabbok. Jacob
wrestled with an angel at the Jabbok River and the word Jabbok is
also an old word. The word, Jabbok, means wrestle. By the Wrestle
River. And so we find a story about Jacob wrestling with God on the
edge of the Wrestle River.
These old words
give you the feeling of the Arabian nights, the Bedouin tents. You
have the feeling for the desert winds and the blowing sands and the
donkeys and the old leather tents. The story of Jacob wrestling with
God is a story that was told over and over again at the campfires so
long ago.
Now, the key to
this whole story is the word, Jacob. The word, Jacob, according to
many scholars but not all scholars, means cheater, manipulator,
little liar, clever kniver, cunning
and slippery. These are people who will cheat you if given half a
chance. That is the story of Jacob. Do we have any Jacobs here
today? Is there any of you with some Jacob inside of you? Or is it
only me?
There are three
wonderful stories about Jacob and his cheating and these stories
demonstrate how and why Jacob deserved to be named cheater or
masterful manipulator.
The first story is
about Esau, the older brother, and he had very hairy arms. The
younger brother, Jacob, was more fine featured. Esau was more like
his father, rougher in complexion; and Jacob was more like his
mother, fine features in complexion.
The older brother, Esau, was supposed to get his inheritance.
So one night, Jacob perhaps got his older brother soused, got him
drunk, got him in a good mood, laughing and joking. Jacob manipulted
Esau, his older brother, to give up his whole inheritance, his whole
birthright, for a bowl of porridge. For a bowl of oatmeal!!! Can you
imagine giving up your whole birthright for a bowl of cereal? You
wouldn’t do that in your right mind. So, the younger brother
cheated his older brother out of his inheritance.
Why? In his heart of hearts, Jacob was a little liar, a
clever kniver, a master manipulator.
Now, the following
is the second story, the story of how the cheater, Jacob,
cheated his elderly father, Isaac. Isaac was an old, old man,
groaning with age. He groaned as he said, “I am blind. I can’t
see. I can’t hear well. I want to give my last blessing before I
die to my oldest son, Esau.” Receiving the last blessing from a
dying father was very important. So what did Jacob do? Jacob started
kniving together with his mother who was like her son, and he killed
an animal. Jacob skinned the animal and took the fur from the animal
and covered his smooth hairless arms so that he would appear to be a
hairy person like his old brother Esau. The hairy armed Jacob would
then go in to see his elderly blind father and pretend that he was
Esau. He would look like the hairy older brother. He came to his
father and his old Isaac said, “Is that you Esau? I can’t see. I
am old and blind.” Jacob said, “Yes, that’s me. I am Esau.”
And so the blind father gave the wrong son the blessing. Jacob even
cheated on his blind elderly father. When Esau heard about that, he
was furious . First, Esau had been cheated out of his birthright
when he was drunk one night. And then he was cheated out of his
father’s final blessing before death. And what was Esau going to
do? He was going to kill his younger brother, Jacob.
We all understand that, the need to get revenge on your
brother (or sister) at certain times. Esau was going to kill is
brother, and Jacob, being a sly, cunning, manipulative person, what
did he do? Run. Jacob ran as fast and as far as he could go,
crossing the Jabbok River, the Wrestle River, into the neighboring
territory and ran all the way to his uncle’s place, away from the
anger and revenge of his older brother.
And thus we meet
Uncle Laban, and this is another part of the story of the cheater.
So Jacob is in the far country, and we discover that Uncle Laban has
two daughters. Rachael. Racy Rachael. And Leah. Lumpy Leah. So there
was Racy Rachael and Lumpy Leah. Jacob, being who he was, was more
interested in Racy Rachael than Lumpy Leah.
So he asked the question: “What do I need to do to get Racy
Rachael to be my wife?” His Uncle Laban answered, “Work for me
for seven years.” Jacob worked for seven years in order to get
Racy Rachael. It came to his wedding night, and Racy Rachael got all
dressed up with all those wonderful veils and flowing garments. All
he could see were her eyes, and they went into the wedding tent that
night, and there was no candles. There was no light. They went to
bed, made love and he woke up the next morning, rolled over and
looked at…lumpy Leah. He jumped up, stormed out of the tent,
wagged his fist and fingers at Laban shouting, “Uncle Laban. You
cheated me. You tricked me. You manipulated me.” And Laban laughed
out loud and to himself, saying, “Got you.” The trick came back
on Jacob. The cheater always gets cheated. That is an inevitable
moral of this story. It backfires for the cheater and someone else
cheats him. Jacob then
had to work seven more years in order to marry Rachael.
Twenty one years
went by and Jacob has not changed. Fundamentally, he was still a
cheater. He decided that it was time to go back and see his older
brother. He was scared spitless. He was scared that his older
brother was going to kill him. Jacob had really taken advantage of
his older brother and he was scared to face him again. So how does
this cheater approach his older brother? Carefully and cleverly.
First, he sent his animals across the Jabbok River into his
brother’s land; then he sent a herd of servants; then he sent
lumpy Leah and all the children by her; then he sent Racy Rachael
and all the children by her. Meanwhile, he remained on the safe side
of the Jabbok River. Very clever. The guy was not dumb. So he stayed
on the safe side of the Jabbok River, and now comes the story and
the Bible passage for today’s text.
That night, on the
safe side of the Jabbok River;
that night on the safe side of the Wrestle River; Jacob camp
in his tent by himself that night. He tried to go to sleep. I am not
sure what happened that night. He couldn’t sleep.
He was really nervous. He was very afraid about meeting his
brother tomorrow. So that night, inside of himself, he started
wresting and wrestling and turning and turning and twisting and
twisting and he started dreaming. He didn’t know if it was a
dream, the dream seemed so real. Was it real? Was it a dream? In the
middle of that dream, he was wrestling. He found himself wrestling.
Was it with an angel? Was it with a man? Was it with God? Was it his
conscience? He was wrestling, and this old angel let Jacob pin down
one hand of the old angel and then the other hand of the old angel,
the old angel playing games with Jacob in the middle of night and
the dream. Finally, Jacob pinned the old angel. When he pinned down
the old angel, Jacob said, “I want a blessing from you.” The old
angel said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “My name is
Jacob.” The old angel said, “I will bless you. From now on, you
will be called, Israel, which means, let God rule your life.”
So there becomes
this huge symbolic change, from Jacob to Israel.
And then the angel whapped him in the hip and Jacob stumbled
out of the tent the next morning with a limp.
Now, what is the
meaning of that story? Well, many people say that the meaning of
that story (that was told over and over again in the Bedouin tents
near the Wrestle River with the blowing winds and shifting sands;)
the meaning of that story was to explain how the Jabbok River got
its name. One night, Jacob, had a wrestling match with God or an
angel of God or his conscience on the edge of the Jabbok River and
that is how the river got it’s name. Wrestle River. … Or, other
people said that the purpose of that story is to explain how old
Jacob got a limp and how old, great, great, great grandpa Jacob had
a hitch to his walk. Why? One night, old man Jacob wrestled with an
angel of God and the angel slapped him on the hip. … Or, some
people say this story attempts to explain how the great altar got
built at Peniel. Why was there such a large altar at ancient Peniel?
Jacob built an altar that night to commemorate his wrestling match
near the Jabbok River. … Or, the real meaning of the story is
this: in that tent on that night, Jacob had a wrestling match with
God, with an angel, with his conscience. Jacob had always been
cheating people his whole life. He had cheated his brother out of
the inheritance, cheated his brother from his father’s dying
blessing, cheated his blind father; he tried to cheat his Uncle
Laban. His whole life
he had been cheating, cheating, cheating. His whole life he had been
manipulating people. His whole life he had been clever and cunning
and that night, that night, in that wrestling match with God, God
touched him. God touched him in such a way that he was changed. And
God gave him a new name Israel, which means, let God rule. Any
time in the Bible, when you get a new name, it is a sign of a
dramatic and enormous change within that person. In the New
Testament, Simon Peter was called a new name. Jesus said, ‘You are
Cephas but I will call you Peter and you will be the rock for that
is the meaning of your name.” Any time you get a new name in the
Bible, that symbolizes an enormous change of inner character. And so
Jacob underwent this enormous change from being Jacob to being
Israel, from being a cheater and manipulator and cunning and clever
to being a person who finally let God rule in his life.
That is what the
New Testament, Jesus and the Kingdom of God is all about. The
kingdom is God is any place and any heart in which God rules.
Now, what does all
this stuff have to do with you and me so many years later? Of this I
am sure, we all wrestle with God at night, trying to go to sleep,
rolling this way and then that way, rolling this way and rolling
that way, and we can’t get to sleep. It feels like the Arabian
nights but here it is, two or three thousand years later. And we are
still wrestling after all these centuries and millenniums. . And
what are we wrestling with? Is it our conscience? Is it our
thoughts? Is it an angel? What is it that we are wrestling with in
the middle of the night? But we wrestle. We all wrestle. And as we
wrestle in the middle of the night and sometimes it goes on for a
night or for a week or for a month or for a year, and slowly we go
through that process of wrestling with God.
And God could have
if he wanted to, with all his power, he could pin us down so very
quickly. God could pin us within the blink of an eye, slam us to the
floor and stomp on us. If God wanted to, God could pin us down and
make us believe and obey. But that isn’t the way God wrestles. God
wrestles in such a way that we slowly surrender our lives to him. We
put our hands in his hands, and God begins to lead us on a path of
righteousness, of right relationships. That is the way that God
wrestles with us. God does not bash our hands down with his mighty
power and pin us. Rather, God allows us to put our hands in his and
we begin a walk together. That is the way God wrestles with us.
We all go through
that fundamental transition in life. The issue is this; whether or
not I will continue to be a self centered , cheating, cunning,
manipulative person or whether I will finally let God rule. Who will
rule in my life? Jacob or God? The power of manipulation and deceit
or the power of God? Who will rule within me? That is the basic
wrestling match of life.
Now, there are
other things that we wrestle with in our lives. We spend a lot of
time on the banks of the Jabbok River. We wrestle about things we
are doing wrong. If we are a kid and we are doing drugs, we are
wrestling with that. Or we may be involved with an affair with
somebody and we know that it is not right. Or we wrestle with our
inner fantasies whatever they may be. Or we wrestle with whether to
get a divorce, whether to get married. Whether to have a child or
get an abortion. Whether to move into a retirement home or remain in
our house. We wrestle with illness and death, whether or not this
chemotherapy is going to work or the possibility of radiation. We
wrestle with whether or not we will be alive tomorrow or not and how
we plan our future estate and future economic years. And still
others of us wrestle about our children, and ask the question at
night, “Why aren’t are children turning out like we had planned
and prayed for?” We wrestle about our marriages and ask how come
we aren’t loving our partner the way we should. We all wrestle
with a lot of things in life. There is no doubt that we wrestle a
lot. There is not doubt that all of us spend a lot of time on the
banks of the Jabbok River. But underneath all of these wrestling
matches that are part of our lives, beneath them all is this: Who is
going to win? Who is going to rule your life? Yourself? God? Who
rules in your life? Is your name Jacob? Or is your name, Israel?
SERMON: The children come up and the pastor asks the children if
they know what wrestling is? The children will give different
answers. The pastor asks if any children know what arm wrestling is?
Answers. The pastor asks if any children want to arm wrestle with
him/her? The pastor arm wrestles with children, letting them win,
perhaps winning a match to demonstrate power. The pastor then tells
the children that God could use his power and win the watch. But
this isn’t the way God wrestles. God does not slam us to the
ground and use his power to force us to obey. God wrestles like
this: The pastor asks a child to place his hand in the pastor and
the two of them begin to walk down the aisle. God holds our hand and
guides us. God does not overpower us with force. Amen.

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