fresh preaching is among the most often cited challenges of strong,
faithful long-term ministry. Pastors speak of the
multitudinous demands of parish leadership eating away at
sermon preparation time. Pastors long for regular, interesting
theological conversation around text and sermon. They ask for
significant, pastoral resources that explore the full-range of
the human condition. I see among pastors a search for
"partners" in their genuine desire to be faithful and
effective proclaimers of the gospel.
Markquart has been one such partner for me and countless others over
the last thirty years. His book on preaching, his seminars on teaching
and preaching, and, his website on preaching through the church
year have been theologically astute as well "practitioner
practical." While I occasionally find substantive
sermon resources in books by Fredrick Buechner, Wlliam Willimon, and
Walt Wangerin, I find most books of sermons less than helpful. Such
books can even become crutches in service of weakened proclamation.
website on preaching through the church year is anything but a crutch.
Rather I find this website a worthy partner in the pursuit of
substantive, fresh, contextual biblical proclamation. The site
itself is dynamic and easy to use. The sermons, dramas, art and
attending notes are interesting expositions of scripture,
significant possible "angles into the texts," and deeply
integrated with the arts and the full range of human experience.
As I work with the material, I find myself drawn more deeply into
the scriptures, the human condition and the art of communication.
encourage you to check out this website. Blessings during
these days of Advent and Christmas!"

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