Everywhere, everywhere,
Christmas tonight

Christmas Eve Luke 2:1-14
“Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas tonight.
Christmas in lands
of fir trees and pine,
Christmas in lands of palm tree and vine,
Christmas where snow peaks stand solemn and white,
Christmas where cornfields lie sunny and bright,
Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas tonight.
Christmas where children are happy at play,
Christmas where old men are patient and gray,
Christmas where peace like a dove in its flight,
Broods over brave men in the midst of a fight,
Everywhere, everywhere Christmas tonight.
For the Christ child who comes is master of all,
No palace too great, no cottage too small,
Everywhere, everywhere Christmas tonight."
Tonight, as we
approach this bewitching hour of midnight on Christmas Eve, people
are being drawn to houses of worship throughout the whole world.
Softly and gently, they come. It
is as if the sanctuaries are like gigantic magnets, stretching their
magnetic powers into all the world.
People from all over the world are being drawn to sanctuaries
tonight. Silhouettes
steal across the streets of Jakarta.
Shadows walk by streetlights in Hong Kong.
Soldiers kneel in bunkers outside of Beirut.
Princes and paupers, in castles and cottages, in Norway and
Nigeria, in Burma and Bangladesh, everywhere, everywhere, Christmas
And we too are
drawn to the splendor of this midnight hour.
We too have come the sanctuary as millions of others are
coming this night. We
too come to see the candles gently push away the darkness.
We too come to listen to the calm and hushed silence. We too
have joined that magnetic processional of Christians
where…everywhere, everywhere, Christmas tonight.
But, why have you
come tonight? Why are you drawn here?
Why have you been pulled out of your home tonight and been
drawn to this magnetic hour?
Have you come
because it is a dark, dark world in your life and you feel the
darkness around you and within you? Have you come because you feel the numbness of depression,
that you are really drawn to the darkness rather than the light?
Is that why you have come?
It’s a dark world
out there, a very dark world. This
past year, you may have experienced the death of a son or a
daughter, a husband or a wife. You personally have felt the prolonged darkness of death.
I know me and I know you and I know it is a dark world, and
that is why many of you have come…because in many of your lives,
it is dark, dark, dark.
Why have you come
tonight? Why have you
drawn by a powerful magnetic field which is centuries old?
Some of you have come tonight because you want to hear the
good news that in Jesus Christ, there is light, and in Christ, there
is no darkness at all. You
have come to hear once again that the eternal light is much stronger
than the darkness, which is not eternal.
You have come tonight because you want to be filled with
light and led by the light of Christ within you.
I know why you have come, why you have been drawn to this
Why have you come? Some
of you have come because you are afraid.
Deep down inside, you are afraid that you are going to die
this year. You sense
it. You know it.
You have talked quietly with your doctor.
You know that this is going to be your last Christmas.
This is going to be your last Christmas with your son or
daughter, husband or wife, mother or father, and you want to make
this Christmas special without drawing too much attention to
yourself. You know and
I know for a fact that there are many people here tonight because
this is their last Christmas, and they come to hear the word from
the angels: “Do not
be afraid. There is no need to be afraid, for to you is born this night
a savior,” and to go from this life to the next life, you can’t
do it by yourself. You
need a savior save you from death and take you over to the other
Why have you been drawn by this invisible magnet, pulling you
to this place of worship. I
know that some of you have come tonight because you have lost the
faith that you had once when you were much younger or even a child.
A long time ago, way back when you were a young child, you
loved God and God lived in your heart, and you felt God’s presence
in you and you were at peace with God and you felt right about God.
But since that time, since that time when you lost the
Presence of God within, there is an emptiness deep inside.
And you have come wishing;
how you wish that God could be alive in your again.
I know that is why some of you have come tonight.
Why are you here? Still
others of you are here tonight because you are on the verge of a new
beginning. You are
sitting next to a person, and she may not know it yet, but you are
going to give her a ring for Christmas and maybe you just gave her a
ring. It is really your
first Christmas together, and you want God to be part of your new
found togetherness. You
are in love with each other and in love with love, and if you are in
love with love, you find yourself drawn to the source of love.
Why are you drawn this evening?
Perhaps you have had an awful time in your marriage this past
year. It has been awful at your house and you are here because you
want a new beginning. I know why some of you are here. You want to have God help you with the new beginning of love;
and if God is the source of all love, you want to have God help you
to begin to love again. You
want to turn over a new leaf with your partner.
You want to do it right with your spouse and to do it right,
God has to be a crucial part of it, and so you are here.
And still others of
you are here tonight because you are like Scrooge.
Yes, some of you are like Scrooge and you have to be
here tonight because your wife dragged you here. You would just as
soon be at home tonight with your eggnog and your fireplace going,
with your feet up on that footstool, and you would be just relaxing
in your favorite robe. I
mean, one of the last places in the world you want to be is at
church tonight. You
just may be a spiritual Scrooge, a religious tightwad, and you would
just rather not be here at all.
But…underneath all of that, I know why you are here,
because deep down there is an inner unhappiness in your life and you
don’t like being a spiritual Scrooge. Down, down deep, when the
kidding and humor stops, you know there is an emptiness that you
wish could be filled…with the love of God.
And still others of
you are here tonight and have come tonight
because tonight is home.
It is Christmas Eve, and you always come home on Christmas
Eve. Here in this
sanctuary or in other sanctuaries of the world, you find your home.
On Christmas night, you have been coming to sanctuaries all
of your life. For
years, you have come on Christmas Eve because you know that this is
where you belong. You
belong here on Christmas Eve because inside, you know that you
belong to God.
So, for whatever
reasons we each experience, we have been drawn here this night. We
have all come to the good news that at one magnificent moment in
history, God became a human being.
God became a real human being.
God became one of us. That
means that God has our feelings.
That means that God knows what it feels like to cry at night
because Jesus wept at night. We
know that God knows what it feels like to love someone deeply and
then lose them to death, just as Jesus loved and lost Lazarus.
Because of God becoming human, we know that God knows our
feelings of fear, our feelings of failure, our feelings of elation,
our feelings of sheer joy and ecstasy…because God is like us.
God is one with us. Jesus
is human being; Jesus is the man of God in human form.
Jesus, the voice of
God, wants to say one brief word to you tonight.
Listen. Listen.
You have come to hear the following word from God.
The Lord says to you and to your open heart:
“I love you. You
are mine. I want to live in you. I
want to fill your heart with my love.
Why? Because I
love you.”
Why have I
personally come tonight. Why?
Why me? Why here? Because I love Christ.
I love Christmas Eve. I
love the message of Christmas, the traditions of Christmas, the
memories of Christmas. I love peace and I want to hear the Bible passages about
peace from the book of Isaiah.
In the old days, when I was a young pastor here at Grace
Lutheran, I loved hearing Bert Welliver read the Old Testament
lesson from Isaiah, the Old Testament vision of turning swords into
plowshares, the vision of turning bombs into blessings, the vision
of turning tanks into treasures.
Year after year, every year, Bert, the leader and thinker of
the military industrial complex at Boeing, Bert the head of all
technology at Boeing, who knew the future of military weaponry as
well as any man on earth, how I loved hearing him read the Christmas
lessons about peace. It
was as if Bert was a part of a divine joke.
I was here and Bert was here because of our mutual commitment
to peace. I have come
tonight because I am a person of peace and want to find peace in all
human relationships, to solve problems with peace rather than war
and conflict. The
Christmas Eve service symbolizes my commitment to peace.
Why am I here
tonight? Because I love
the Christmas music. Only
God could have thought of Christmas, so a friend once said to me,
and only the inspiration of God could have touched so many composers
of the world’s most beautiful music.
No other religion in the world has anything as comparable and
as beautiful as our Christmas music.
If God is pure Beauty, then God’s beauty is revealed in
Christmas music. The Christmas music touches my soul so very deeply. When I
come, I pray that the Word of God will be spoken, but I am keenly
aware that my own spirit is touched, not so much by the spoken Word,
but by God’s Spirit through music.
Why? I don’t know. I
am not a musician but it is through music that I am touched deeply
by God. I come for my soul and inner spirit to be inspired and it is
often through music, that my heart is gently moved.
Why am I here? A
commitment to peace? The
beauty of Christmas music? Also,
because deep down inside, I am afraid.
To be honest, I am no longer afraid of failure, although I
once was. No longer am
I afraid of rejection, although I once was. No longer am I afraid that when you get to know me, you will
realize how shallow I really am, although I once was. No, I am afraid of something else. I am afraid that the message of Christmas and the message of
Easter and the message of Pentecost and all the other Sundays is a
lie, and that I am part of a big lie and so are you. We are people
fooling ourselves with manmade traditions. I am afraid that there is
nothing beyond the grave than death and more death and more death.
Just death. So I
come on Christmas Eve to be confounded with the Visible Beauty of
God and the Voice of God who is mysteriously here in this sacred
place, whispering in my ears that my doubts are really depression
and my fears are really foolish and my questions are merely
quibblings of my little mind. So I come tonight because, for some strange reason, my heart
is open to the eternal verities of God, and I hear and am assured of
Peace and Beauty and the Invisible Eternal Presence of God. And for some mysterious reason, I am ready to believe.
Why am I hear?
Because my teacher, Dr. Morris Wee, once told me that God, on
Christmas Eve, came down the stairway of the stars with a
baby in his arms, and that the summation of the Christian religion
was and is to be found in this man, this human, this person. I come
to hear about the audacity of God, who comes down to earth as one of
us, fully human, fully man, fully us.
I like that. My
mind likes that. It
makes sense to my mind that if God would want to communicate with us
human beings, God would come down to earth as a human being, in our
form, and thereby God would understand us much better and we would
understand God much better. …
I like the story of freezing winter snowstorm, blasting its freezing
powers against a farm in North Dakota.
A man looks out the window of his farmhouse and says,
“Those little sparrows are freezing out there in that snowstorm.
I wish they would fly into the barn and stay where it is
warm. They are freezing
their little feathers out there in the cold.
If only I were a sparrow, I would tell them what to do and
they would escape the cold and fly into the barn.”
The key line is this: “If
only I were a sparrow.” And
the truth is this: God
wanted to communicate with the human race, and to get through to us
about Peace, and Beauty and Love and Eternity, God became one of us,
Jesus of Nazareth, bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh, spirit
of our spirit, mind of our mind.
God became one of us, in Jesus, so we would listen to Jesus,
the mind and spirit of God,
and finally understand. We
would finally get it, just like a sparrow would finally get it if
another sparrow talked to the freezing sparrow about the warmth of
the barn. Yes, I am here this night because I want to hear the truth
about Jesus, the human, who can communicate to us humans, about God.
Why have you come
tonight? Why have I
come tonight? Why have
hundreds of millions come tonight?
Because of the magic. Because
of the mystery. Because
of a powerful force that draws us to God and the things of God. That is why we are here.
everywhere Christmas tonight.
Christmas in lands of fir tree and pine,
Christmas in lands of palm tree and vine,
Christmas where snow peaks stand solemn and white,
Christmas where cornfields lie sunny and bright,
Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas tonight.
Christmas where children are happy at play,
Christmas where old men are patient and gray,
Christmas where peace like a dove in its flight,
Broods over men in the midst of a fight,
Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas tonight.
For the Christ child who comes is master of all,
No palace too great, or cottage too small,
Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas tonight.

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