Series C
Money and Wise Investments for
the Future
Pentecost 17 Luke 16:1-13
Have you been
making good investments? Have you been planning for your retirement
years? Have you been making shrewd investments with those dollars
you have saved?
When a person
reaches a certain age and I am not sure what age it is, a person
starts to think about retirement. We then ask ourselves, “How much
money is needed for retirement?” Basically, people ask two
questions: “How much money will I need to retire comfortably?”
The second question is, “Will I be able to die in dignity?”
If we are honest, most of us don’t want to die in poverty
or in the slums or in one of the poorest of poor retirement homes.
Have you been
making plans? Have you been making plans for your long-term
The Presidential
Commission on Retirement informs us that you will need about seventy
percent of your present to live a similar life style. If you like
your present lifestyle and it costs you about $50,000, then in
retirement you are going to need about seventy percent of that. In
other words, you are going to need about $35,000 to retire
The Presidential
Commission on Retirement says that are three resources for our
income of the future: Social Security, the retire program from your
place of employment, and your savings account.
Are you making long
term plans? For your long term future? Is that important to
Well, let’s first
talk about Social Security. From reading the paper, we know that
many of us are worried about the future viability of Social
Security. We know that in the distant future, Social Security
benefits will be reduced. We know that there are enormous numbers of
workers who are retiring now. In ten to twenty years, it appears
that there will not be a sufficient number of workers in the
workforce to pay for the huge number of people who have previously
retired. In the future, there will be vast numbers receiving Social
Security and there will be fewer people in the workforce to fund
Social Security.
Yes, we are worried
about the future viability of the Social Security programs.
Now, a second major
source of income for your retirement is the retirement program of
your corporation. We live in Seattle. Seattle is Boeing country; it
is Weyerhaeuser country; it is Microsoft country; it is the airlines
country. But are you aware that seventy percent of the people living
in the United States of America do not work for a major
corporation? Are you aware that seventy percent of the people
working in America do not have a pension program through
their corporation? Do you realize that? How would you feel about it
if you were planning for your retirement and all you had to count on
was Social Security?
Well, the third
source of retirement income is savings. We know that Americans are
notoriously poor savers. Not many Americans have saved enough money
to pay the bills of their future retirement. Compared to the other
industrialized democracies, Americans are very poor at saving
financial resources for the future.
Are you making
plans? Are you making plans for your long-term future? Are
you? Are you thinking about that?
We know that many
Americans are living much longer today, and we are becoming much
older as a country. The average age of an American male is now
approaching seventy- eight years old. This has increased three years
during the past twenty years. There are numerous members of our
congregation, primarily women, who are now ninety to ninety-five
years old.
And many of these
elderly; in fact, most elderly in the United States cannot
afford to live in the nice retirements that are near our church such
as Wesley Terrace, Wesley Gardens, Judson Park or the Foundation
House. Most Americans cannot afford to live in fine
retirement homes such as these or their equivalents.
Are you going to
die with dignity? Are you sure? Are you sure that when the end of
your life comes that you are not going to end up in bankruptcy and
living in poverty?
Are you making
plans for your long-term future?
It is with this
mood that we approach the gospel story for today. The basic thrust
of the gospel story is this: Are you making plans for your long-term
future? That is, are you making plans for your long-term
future…with God?
O yes, we spend all
kinds of time worrying about what is going to happen between
sixty-five and eighty-five. We spend all kinds of time worrying
about what is going to happen for those twenty years, but are we
equally thoughtful about those twenty light years in the
future with God? Are you planning for your loooooonnnnggg
term future? Are you shrewd? Are you really shrewd?
Are you concerned
about laying up for yourselves treasures on earth for your
retirement? Are you equally concerned about laying up for
yourselves treasures in heaven for your eternal retirement?
Are you all concerned about maintaining for yourself an earthly
inheritance which your kids are going to waste away anyhow? Are you
equally concerned about laying up for yourselves a heavenly
inheritance, an eternal inheritance? Are you shrewd? Are you
wise? Are you planning for your looooooonnnnnggg term future? Your
looooooonnnngggg term investments for the twenty light years
that you are going to live with God face to face? That is what the
gospel story for today is all about.
Before we approach
the gospel story for today, we need to remind ourselves that this
parable is one of the most difficult parables of Jesus to interpret.
Most often, the meaning of Jesus’
parables are clearer than clear. The very nature of Jesus’
parables is their simplicity and clarity. But this particular
parable for today is “ more obscure than obscure.” We need to
remember that this gospel lesson for today is a very, very difficult
passage to interpret, and that there are many differing
interpretations of this obscure passage.
It has taken me
many years, but I think that I am finally beginning to understand
this particular parable for today. After all these years. This
morning I would like to help you to understand this parable as well.
A fundamental
presupposition of all Biblical studies is to allow Scripture to
interpret Scripture. When you delve into a complex story in the
Bible, you try to find other Bible verses on a similar theme. The
gospel lesson for today is complex and obscure so it is wise to look
at other similar passages in the Gospel of Luke and see if those
clearer Bible verses can help us interpret this more obscure Bible
passage in today’s gospel.
Do you realize that
one out of seven Bible passages from the Gospel of Luke, where our
text comes from today, is about money? There are more passages in
the Gospel of Luke about money than there are about marriage, sex or
family values. There is more about money than any other topic in the
Gospel of Luke. Why? Why is there so much about money in the Gospel
of Luke? It is because all human beings have a hard time handling
money. Money usually handles us.
Also, in the Gospel
of Luke, money is always referred to as “unrighteous mammon.” In
other words, it is always “dirty money.” There is something
about money that corrupts every one. I will say that again so that
you hear me clearly. There is something about money that corrupts
every single human being. Just as cocaine always corrupts. Just as a
bad blood transfusion always corrupts. Just as pornography always
corrupts. So also, there is something about money, according to the
Bible, which corrupts every human being. It is the very nature of
money to corrupt us and control us. Soon, we begin to live in
order to accumulate money and what it can buy. Whenever the term,
“money,” is used in the Gospel of Luke, it is always dirty
money. It is always sinful money. It is always corrupted
The story for today
is unlocked by all those Bible verses about money in the same
chapter as our gospel lesson, in Luke 16.
In Luke 16, there
are five consecutive stories about money. Boomp. Boomp. Boomp. Boomp.
Boomp. The story for today is one of five consecutive teachings
about money. These stories try to teach us Christians the proper use
of money. Our
particular parable today is also trying to teach us about the proper
use of money for Christians.
Within this
sequence of five stories about money, it is the last story which is
the most powerful. That story (next week’s gospel) unlocks the
meaning of this parable today. Do you know what the next
parable is in Luke? It is the rich man and Lazarus. Yes, the rich
man and Lazarus. The rich man thought he was so smart because he
planned for his economic future. The rich man thought he was so
smart because he planned vigorously for his twenty years of economic
retirement here on earth. The rich man thought he was so smart
because he had built barns and bigger barns, thinking his future was
secure. And? And? And
he ended up in hell. The rich man did not plan for his
looooooonnnnnggg term future. The rich man wasn’t so smart after
all…because he ended up in hell.
As I said a few
moments ago, this parable for today is very complex. Even so, I want
to ask you that simple question: Are you making plans for your
looooonnnnggg future? I hope you are. Are you smart? Are you shrewd?
It would be a fool who did not plan for his/her loooonnnnnggg term
future. The rich man in next week’s parable did not plan for his
long term future.
And neither did the
man who built barns and bigger barns and the biggest barns you ever
saw, falsely thinking that his future was secure (Luke 12). Earlier,
Luke had told the story of another rich man who planned his
retirement by building barns and still bigger barns. The rich man
said to himself, “I have ample goods laid up for many years. Eat,
drink and be merry.” But God said to him, “Fool. This night your
soul shall be required of you. You have laid up treasures for
yourself but you are not right towards God.” (Luke 12:16-21)
How about your
loooonnnggg term future? Did the rich man with Lazarus plan for his
looooonnnnnggg term future? No. Did the other rich man who built all
the barns plan for his looooonnnggg term future? No.
At this time, I
would like to retell Jesus’ parable but I would like to put it
into a contemporary setting. Once upon a time, there was a very
wealthy man and his name was Bill Gates. He was one of the
wealthiest men the world had ever seen. In fact, he was the
wealthiest man in the United States of America and even in all the
earth. He had made hundreds of billions of dollars from computers
and software. He had many high level managers whom he entrusted to
care for the various divisions of his companies.
Now, one of his
high level mangers was a man by the name of Johnny Christian. Johnny
Christian was one of the top-level managers there at Microsoft but
he wasn’t a very good manager. Johnny Christian was losing all
kinds of money for Bill Gates. One day, Bill Gates said, “Johnny
Christian. You need to come into my office.” Johnny Christian
came. Gates continued, “Johnny Christian. You are not doing a very
good job. In fact, you are doing a lousy job. You are fired. I’m
giving you a thirty-day notice and you are out of here.”
As Johnny Christian
closed the door to Bill Gate’s office and walked down the hall all
alone, he was deeply upset. He thought to himself: “What am I
going to do? I can’t go out and work with my hands. I am a
white-collar guy. What will I do? Hmmmm. I know what I will do.”
And so he
telephoned many of the people who owed money to Bill Gates. He said
to the first, “You owe Bill Gates one hundred million dollars?”
“Yes.” “Well, you write out a check for fifty million and your
debt will be paid in full.” Remember me in the future. Maybe I can
work for you someday.” Johnny Christian telephoned the next guy
and asked, “How much money do you owe Bill Gates?” He answered,
“Ten million bucks.” Johnny said, “Write out a check for five
million bucks and we will call it even. Remember, that you and I are
friends for the future.” Johnny Christian then telephoned the
third person and asked, “How much do you owe Bill Gates?” He
replied, “I owe him a million dollars.” Johnny Christian told
him to write out a check for $500,000 and said, “Remember me in
the future.”
Jesus then
concluded the parable, a story with a symbolic meaning, by saying,
“I commend the dishonest money manager for his shrewdness. For the
children of this generation are more shrewd in dealing with money
than are the children of light. The sons and daughters in the
marketplace are more shrewd in dealing with earthly money than are
God’s sons and daughters in dealing with their eternal
Then Jesus gave a
key line, “Make for yourselves friends by use of dirty money, so
when it is gone, you may be received into eternal life.” … Make
friends for yourselves by means of dirty money, so that when it is
gone, you will be received into eternal life. Be wise and shrewd in
dealing with your eternal spiritual assets as people in the market
are wise and clever in dealing with their earthly financial assets.
So what does this
parable mean?
Well, how does one
go about using dirty money? How does a Christian go about using
dirty money and at the same time, pleasing God? That is the
question. Basically, the answer is this: the way you please God is
by using dirty money in order to give generously and excessively the
poor, the hungry, the starving and the homeless of the world. You
want to make friends with God? You want to please God? One way that
you do it is with right use of wealth. The right use of wealth,
according to Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, is to help the poor, the
hungry, and the starving. That is the way that you make friends with
God and please God according to this text.
You lay up for
yourself treasures in heaven by sharing with the poor and the
oppressed. You lay up treasures for yourself on earth by hording and
spending your income on yourself.
Let me illustrate.
Last Sunday in the children’s sermon it was so clear. There was a
big mob of children up in front of the church. And I had this mob of
children all shouting and wailing at the top of their voices, “I
am hungry. I am hungry. I am hungry.” The mobs of children up
front just kept on shouting and wailing that refrain again and
again. “I am hungry. I am hungry. I am hungry.” The children
were shrieking at the top of their lungs and it was awful. Now, over
at the side of the chancel area, I had three kids chanting proudly,
“I am full. I am full. I am full.” Both sets of children were
chanting their lines at the top of their lungs. I then turned and
addressed the congregation, saying above the clamor of the shouting
voices of the children, “I am God and these are all my
children. Do you want to please me? Do you want to make friends with
me??? Then feed my hungry children.” … Do you
understand? Do you understand how to make friends with me? Do you
understand how to please me? You feed my hungry children.
That is what this
gospel story is all about. Make friends with God by making use of
unrighteous mammon is to feed the poor, the hungry and the starving.
Please God by helping the lives of the poor around us and in the
Now, there are many
people who live a life of generosity. There are many people in our
congregation and throughout the earth who understand that God has
given us money to be generous to the needy, the poor and the
starving. Many of you are making wise investments for the future.
You give to the Lutheran Compass Center in downtown Seattle, to
Catholic Charities, to Lutheran World Relief, to the Children’s
Orphan Fund, to the Mexico Orphanage, to the Grace Homeless Shelter,
to the World Hunger Program and the list goes on and on.
For example,
recently, I went out to the airport to see Lou Overbo and Harold
LaDuke off to Haiti. Those guys were so proud. They both had two
suitcases, seventy-five pounds each, loaded fully with medicines
that they were taking to Haiti and to the medical clinic that they
had helped build down there in Jamaica. From the past, I have fond
memories of Lou Overbo when he sat in a front pew for five years before
he ever joined this congregation. Before Lou ever came to the
adult membership class, someone badgered him into going to Haiti.
Those trips to Haiti changed Lou’s life. Out at the airport, Lou
said to me, “Anne Markley told me. Lou, be careful. If you go to
Haiti, God may get his hands on your heart.” God did.
Lou works for the gas company here in south Seattle and the
gas company had a meeting recently. Lou told his friends at the gas
company that he was going on a Christian mission to Haiti and he
would like his friends to give money for the mission. Lou said to
his friends, “This is something you want to do.” Lou
didn’t realize it, but in his own simple way, he was making
investments for his loooooonnnnnggg term future. By his work for the
people of the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere, Lou has been
laying up for himself treasures in heaven. Of course, he doesn’t
think of it that way.
Are you smart? Are
you a thinking person? Do you plan for your future? Are you planning
for your looooonnnnggg term future?
I like the truth of
the quotation: “A person’s true wealth is not in what they keep
but in what they give away.”
Some years ago, I
watched a political advertisement for a presidential candidate. His
name was Ross Perot and he had these big, wide ears that stuck out
of the side of is head. On
that paid political advertisement, Ross Perot brought several charts
that described economic life in America. One of his charts
fascinated me and I remember it clearly. That chart showed the level
of poverty of our nation’s children compared to the levels
of poverty of children living in other European democracies. What
percentage of the children who lived in European democracies were
poor? About five to seven percent. What percentage of American
children were poor? About 20%.
The USA? 20%. No industrialized democracy was even close to
the high number of 20% of American children living in poverty. Then
Ross Perot said, with his big ears wagging, “It ain’t right,
The Bible says,
“It ain’t right folks. It is unjust that 20% of American
children live in poverty.”
The Bible would say
it more strongly. “God will punish any nation which does not take
care of its own children.” Just as in individual is accountable to
God and God says to individuals, “How are you planning for your
looooonnnnng term future and how are you taking care of the poor?”
So also a nation will stand before God and will be asked questions
of accountability. The United States will stand before the throne of
God and God will ask, “How come 20% of your children were poor?
Why did you allow that to happen?”
Are you making
plans for your loooonggg term future? Are you smart? Are you shrewd?
Are you planning for twenty years or twenty light years? Where do
you put your energy?
I like that story
by William Barclay, the New Testament scholar. Like all parables, it
has its essential truth but a person can become tripped up with the
loopholes. And so with the following story. I have taken Barclay’s
story and massaged it.
This parable is one
of those “got up to heaven and was met at the pearly gate by Simon
Peter” stories. One
time, Johnny Christian died and he went up to heaven. Johnny
Christian came up to the pearly gates and said, “Hi Simon Peter.
I’m Johnny Christian.” Peter said, “O, am I glad to see you.
Come on in through these pearly gates and I will show you around.”
Johnny Christian said, “Where is my house up here? Where am I
going to live?” Peter said, “Hop in my car and I will give you a
ride to your destination.” They pulled out in the car and drove
through a neighborhood with some of the fanciest houses that Johnny
Christian had ever seen. He thought to himself, “This is what
heaven is all about. Big mansions.” Johnny Christian loved
those palatial palaces, especially those that were on the lake. As
they drove by the mansions, Johnny Christian was carefully looking
at the names listed on the mailboxes but he didn’t see his name of
any of those fancy mailboxes. Peter continued driving right through
that fancy neighborhood and drove into a lesser neighborhood. That
neighborhood had little three bedroom bungalows with white picket
fences and campers in the back yards. Johnny Christian was again
looking carefully at all the mailboxes of these smaller modest homes
but Johnny couldn’t see his name. Peter’s car then drove further
outside of town to a slightly run down apartment complex. This run
down apartment complex had a long wall of mailboxes out in the
parking lot, but Johnny couldn’t find his name on any of those
mailboxes in the parking lot. Hmmm. Simon Peter and Johnny continued
driving and drove and drove until they came to a lot near the edge
of a garbage dump in heaven. And there was an old tar shack. Simon
Peter pulled up to that old tar shack and there was the name of
Johnny Christian on an old dilapidated mailbox. The name, “Johnny
Christian,” was right there on the side of the mailbox. Johnny
Christian said, “Simon Peter, I kind of liked it back there in the
neighborhood with all the mansions on the lake or even the three
roomed bungalows with white picket fences. But what’s going on
here?” Peter said, “Johnny Christian, we used all the material
that you sent up here to heaven. That is all that you sent up when
you were living down there on earth.”
This parable by
Barclay has its obvious loopholes, its ambiguities and its
inconsistencies, but the question still persists: “Are you smart?
Have you been sending good building material for your
llllooooooonnnnggg term retirement?”
One thing that gets
in the way of many people in a sermon like this is they say to
themselves, “I am a good Christian. I know for a fact that
salvation is a pure gift. Don’t talk to me about rewards.”
Now, one of the
complexities of life is that you can talk about unconditional love
and you can talk about rewards at the same time. For example, at our
home, my wife and I freely love our children. There is nothing that
they could do to stop us from loving them. Our children are loved no
matter what. Love is given and given and given. At the same time at
our house, there are rewards and punishments. That’s just the way
it is. At our house, if you mow the lawn, you get a reward. If you
mouth off to your mother, you get a punishment. There are rewards
and punishments at our house but there is also the free gift of
unconditional love. And so it is God’s grand design. God gives us
the gift of eternal life which is unmerited and unearned, but God
also has rewards and punishments.
Are you shrewd? Are
you making plans for your looooonnnnnggg term future? How is your
investment program? Are you laying up for yourselves treasures in
heaven? Amen.
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